Monday, 18 October 2021

What is a Quality Blog Post?

Fakaalofa Atu bloggers 🌴🇳🇺. I have been doing some work and its about fixing / finishing up a blog post that john has not done. You will find the work i've done at the end of the 3 slides. I hope you guys enjoy! Have you done one before or yet ? Blog you later 🙃!


  1. Fakaalofa atu Lavina, thank you for sharing your quality blog post slide on your blog. I can see that you have helped John fix up his blog post by including a catchy title, an explanation about the learning and some labels. I can also see that you have included most of these items on your blog post. Well done. What labels could you add to your blog post?

    1. Kia ora Ms Burt, thank you for reminding me to do my labels. The labels I have put is Quality blog post, working, and writing. Blog you later,
      ~ Lavina

  2. Faakalofa lahi atu Vina, Dayelle here🙂
    Nice work on your slide!
    But I think you could change the title to something that makes more sense and more interesting. Other than that I think your slide is awesome.
    When I was doing my quality blog post slide, it took me for ages to finish because I didn't know what to write!
    How long did it take for you to make this?
    Monuina e aho and Happy Niuean Language Week 💖!


    1. Hey Dayelle. Really thankful that you commented on here. I agree with you that I should change my title. It took me long enough because i didn't think enough lol. Blog you later,
      ~ Lavina

  3. Fakaalofa lahi atu Lavina, great to see you blogging again this term. There is a lot of important information in the slides about how to make a quality blog post. I'm sure others will find it very helpful.
    What do you find most challenging when making a blog post?

    1. Hey Ms Whysall, they most challenging thing that I made in the slide was my writing because I didn't know what to write for John but writing something is better than nothing! Thank you for the comment. Blog you later,
      ~ Lavina

  4. Fakalofa lahi atu vina. Me honey and I really like your post. Nice to see that you remembered to do your own labels on your post 🙃.

    1. Hi Honey, Indeed it is good to see my labels :)
      Blog you later,
      ~ Lavina

  5. Hi it Quan here I like your post because u put so mach work in to it.

    1. Hello Quan, thank you for the comment. I didn't want to put so much work into it so I guess I could say it! Blog you later.
      ~ Lavina
