Friday, 17 September 2021

🥳Google Meet🥳

Kia ora bloggerz. This is a video of my class singing happy birthday to me 🥳. I was very shy when they sang happy birthday to me but I felt happy because they didn't forget about my birthday today! Thank you all for singing 🙃. It didn't sound that good but at least they sang for me! Here is the screen record I did and I cut out some clips that I forgot to stop recording (just copy the link then paste it onto a new tab). Blog you later! Stay home, stay safe 😷👍🏽.


  1. Hello Lavina,
    Happy birthday again!
    Same I felt quiet shy when you guys sang it for me but I was super happy! Your welcome for singing for you! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your weekend! Also when you copy the link and paste it to a new tab you need access so maybe you could change that?
    Stay safe!

    1. Kia ora Emma. Thank you for the comment. I would really love to make people have access to it. Blog you later! Stay home, stay safe 😷👍🏽.
      - LAVINA 🙃

  2. Morena Lavina, I am glad that it made you feel happy. It is always lovely when people remember to wish you happy birthday. It is a special day after all. I hope that the rest of your day was an enjoyable one spent with your family.

    1. Kia ora Miss Burt. I agree that its lovely when people remember to wish you a happy birthday. Thank you so much for the comment !! Blog you later. Stay home, stay safe 😷👍🏼.
      - LAVINA 🙃

  3. Hope you had a great birthday weekend, Lavinia.

    1. Hey Mr P. Thank you for the comment. I had a very nice weekend 😃. Blog you later. Stay home, stay safe 😷👍🏽!!
      - LAVINA 🙃

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Kia ora Lavina!
    Happy Birthday once again I hope you had a lovely awesome birthday!
    The link is not working so I have added this video from me to help you out:

    I hope it helps

    blog you later

    1. Hey Yasmin. Thank you very much for the comment and reminding me that the link I put does not work. Blog you later. Stay home, stay safe 😷👍🏼.
      - LAVINA 🙃
