Friday, 30 July 2021

Stuck In The Branches

Talofa Lava Bloggers. This is a piece of writiing I did today which was free writing. I made it all on google slides and I am really proud of it. Do you have any suggestions on my writing? - Blog you later!


  1. Kia Orana, Lavina. It's Alofa here from Room 23.
    I'm really impressed by the bits of detail you have put in this piece of writing. I can tell that you really put some time and effort in this. it reminds me of the time when I wrote something that is similar to this. Maybe next time, could you use different sentence starters? What inspired you to write this story? Thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us!

    Blog you later!
    -ALOFA :>

    1. Hi thanx for commenting on my blog. Ohk... Maybe next time I COULD use different sentence starters. Blog you later!
      - Lavina 🖤💕🖤💕
