Friday, 27 August 2021

My Winter Ideal Park!

Talofa Lava Bloggers. This is what my ideal park looks like ⛷️. I was struggling with this for HOURS!! I made it on google drawing and im very proud of it because I spent a lot of time trying to think what I should put in it. My sister remindeded me of so I used it for removing images backrounds that I used! If you want to take idea's from my Ideal park, you could if you want! Its a good thing I get to look at other peoples ideas of their imaginary parks they've created so far. I hope you enjoy what i've made and if you would like to comment something about my work, you could in the comments down below 👍 Stay home and stay safe 😷 Have a FANTASTIC lockdown 💞! - LAVINA 🃏

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Do all Volcanoes Look the Same? - Pt 2!

Hey bloggers. This a my home work that i've been given from wednesday's google meet with my class! We talked about all about the different volcanoes there is and I enjoyed listening. I also really like learning about them very well because its very new to my collections of new learning i've done so far. Well as I said, this is work i've worked on for a day but I completly managed to get it finished. Im so proud of it and just for a heads up, my Dad helped me out a LOT with it. He told me about Shield volcanoes, Cinder cone volcanoes, and composite volcanoes. I hope you enjoy the work I posted and please do not steal my idea's because I spent LOADS of hours on this. Its not much but its worth a LOT! If you would want to send feed back, please do in the comments down below! Make sure you stay home and stay safe and have a BEAUTIFUL lockdown 😷🏠💞! BYE WONDERFUL PEOPLE 😍! - LAVINA 🪁🥊

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Do all Volcano's look the same?

Hey bloggers. On google meet yesterday, we got homework and its about Volcano's 🔭. We learnt stuff from like What is a Volcano, What happens when a volcano erupts, Insert a picture of a volcano, Use google shapes and lines to create your own picture of a volcano, add labels to your diagram, and make sure you label each part of your volcano. Im proud of it but I found it a little bit challanging but I managed to get it done! Here is the link that we have been looking at on our class call (copy and paste the text and put it in a new tab ). . Make sure you stay home and stay safe 😷!!

Friday, 13 August 2021

2021 Girls Rippa Rugby Tournament!

On Tuesday the 10th of August, my rippa rugby team traveled on a bus with the Eden Albert rugby boys to the Mount Roskill Memorial fields. We were told to bring healthy lunch and a drink bottle. We came 4th in the finals and out of all the teams we came 3rd! We won 4 games but still mangaged to make it onto the finals! It was VERY exhausting and it was hard because lots of other girls were faster than many of us and the fields we were playing on was slippery so we kept slipping and the other teams got our tags. But luckily our team had extra players so we did subs for every game! Everytime we were done playing each game, our coach always got us to put our jackets or jumpers on because so we couldn't be cold in the rest of our other Tournaments and we ALL had fun. Blog you later!

Friday, 6 August 2021

The Present Writing

Kia Orana Bloggers. Room 24 and I have been watching a childrens short film and then writing about it but with only 100 words. We all found it tricky but we still tried hard to delete some words from our short story to make it go up to 100 or under. I managed to complete it but as I said, it was VERY tricky to do. We also had to use speech marks of what the characters were saying. Have you ever wrote a story with only 100 words before? Blog you later!

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

A Quality Blog Comment!!

Kia Orana Bloggers! This is my slides about how to make a quality blog comment. This was part of the cyber smart Ms Green did with my class. We have been also learning about using a greeting in the start, make our comment helpful and positive, you could do suggestions for them, feedback, and whats your name and the Room your from or even maybe you could put your room number and your name at the start after you did yoour greeting! Do you have suggetions on my comment of what I could do better on? Blog you later!